The term “Trad Wife” has been trending on social media lately, and everyone seems to have something to say about it. But what exactly is a “Trad Wife” and why is the movement gaining in popularity?
What exactly is a “Trad Wife”?
“Trad Wife” is literally short for “Traditional Wife”. It throws back to the housewives of yesteryear when traditional gender roles were commonplace. Everything needs a hashtag these days, thanks to social media, so of course it was shortened for that reason. The lifestyle is that of a traditional homemaker, and those of us who actually follow the lifestyle prefer being called a homemaker or a housewife over a Trad Wife.
A lot of people think of the housewives from the 1950s when they look at Trad Wives. They think of women who kept up with their looks, spent their days cooking and cleaning their homes, raising their children outside of school hours, and catering to their husband’s needs.
I’ve seen Trad Wives on Tik Tok, they are so fake!
Well, yeah, it’s social media. These are women who are pushing the aesthetics of the movement while glamorizing it for the purposes of making money. Some of what they do is real inside of the homemaking lifestyle, but it’s not a true to life representation. You have to remember that social media is all about appearances. You have to read between the lines to see what is real and what is just for views.
Real homemaking isn’t glamourous. It’s all about making our home into a sanctuary for our families, monitoring their health, raising their children, managing the family finances, and making our spouse’s life easier.
But what about equality?!
Of course, not everyone is happy with the Trad Wife lifestyle. Critics argue that it feels like a step backward, reviving outdated gender norms. They worry it could limit opportunities for women outside the home, sparking a debate about equality.
But that is exactly the point! The equality movement wasn’t meant to force women into the workplace like their male counterparts, it was to give women the option. Many women wanted the ability to leave the home and join the corporate workforce, but just as many women wanted to stay in the home.
Trad Wives are embodying empowerment
The equality movement created an ideal that women needed to be in the workforce, leaving many women to leave their homes with second thoughts because that was what we were supposed to do. Many women are seeing more and more that they prefer being in the home.
Many of us choose the Trad Wife path because it feels right for us. It’s about personal choice and empowerment. We’re flipping the script, carving out our space in the family dynamic based on our terms. It’s not about stepping back; it’s about stepping into something that aligns with who we are. We aren’t in this life because we have to be, we have chosen to be!
But, why now?
I think a lot of this has to do with where our world has gone. In many cases, so many of the equality movements have branched off and the loudest ones are leaning too far to one side or another. In other cases, there are those of us who have seen what equality looks like and don’t want that life after all, especially since gender roles still exist on a mass scale. Sure, women may enter the workforce, but they are still generally responsible for their children and keeping their home. Many will outsource help in the form of childcare and maid services, and others work out compromising schedules with their spouses to split the chores as equally as possible, but it’s still something that is generally on the women to manage.
With the pandemic, everyone was stuck at home and able to actually work on their hobbies and personal desires. Self-improvement grew by leaps and bounds as people chose to learn new things, take up new skills, and even return to school online while they had the time. The stress and anxiety of a world that was falling apart and struggling to carry on all around us left many wishing for an easier time.
Many chose to think back to the 1950s as a result. Things were simple in the 1950s. Roles were defined, the world was at peace, pop culture was fantastic, and style and design were interesting and cool. Nostalgia can lead people to do things they might not otherwise choose to, and that is very true of the 1950s. Was it a perfect time? Absolutely not! It has gained a nostalgic ideal as a “golden era” however, and many wish for simpler times like that before technology and responsibilities took over our lives as much as they have.
At the end of the day, what matters is our happiness.
Regardless of whether you stand with Trad Wives, are against them, or are even one yourself, the movement has taken off and it is here to stay for the time being. Choosing to join the corporate workforce is fine. Choosing to become a Trad Wife is fine. Whatever you do, do it for you! Choose what is right for you and your family and embrace it.
If we’ve learned anything over the last few years, it’s that life is short and you need to grasp your happiness where you can. Laugh, love, live, and don’t berate others for choosing to do the same thing, even if you don’t agree with it. Live your life and let others live theirs, that way we can all find our own happiness.
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